

Lynx Spider

More than 50000 spider species exist on earth. These eight legged creatures are found in all shapes and sizes.

Wolf Spider

The spider makes circular shaped webs found in garden around us and in the forests.

Orb-weaver Spider

You will find them hanging like a seed or hiding in folded leaf when not feeding or creating a web.

Orb-weaver Spider

The jumping spider can be identified by a pair of big eyes in the front. Mostly, they do not use web to hunt instead they hunt by stalking and catching the prey to inject venom.

Jumping Spider

These spiders are found on tree trunk. The size of the spider can be 8mm. You can see it in Asia, Africa and Australia.

Two-tailed Spider

This is one beautiful variation of Lynx spider. Lives around greenery of the garden and trees and very hard to spot.

Green Lynx Spider

The spider injects the digestive fluids inside the prey and sucks out liquified tissues leaving the body husk behind.

Orb Weaver spider with a prey

These spiders are  very small and ambush predator who do not make webs. They resemble a crab so they are very easy to identify.

Crab Spider