Paper Wasp

Be careful when you try to photograph live wasp. They can give you a painful bite. Natural light is good but try using a flash with a diffuser for better picture.

Jumping Spider

There are around 6000 of recorded species of Jumping spiders. They are fun to photograph and most popular subject in macro photography.


Handheld shot of a damselfly. Let the subject settle down before you move close for the shot. It will give you plenty of opportunities.

Fruit Fly

Lady Beetle

Both the shots are taken using Nikon D500, Nikkor 105mm Micro lens, Godox flash and a diffuser.

Praying Mantis

Praying Mantises are cute, look lazy but they capture prey in a lightening speed. A Praying Mantis enjoying a good meal.

Spider Wasp with a prey

Spider Wasp is featured in world's deadliest in NatGeo. They are efficient killer of a larger spider and drag them to the burrow to a long distance.

Headshot of a butterfly

Butterflies are beautiful, and a closer look reveals how complex they are built with evolution. These are possible only with the macro photography.

Blister Beetle

A beautiful insect to be photograph but should not be touched. As the name suggests, they secrete a blistering agent in defence.

Hope you liked the photographs and information. Please connect and let me know how you liked it.